Wein Auktionen,Wine auctions,Weinhandel....

Re: Wein Auktionen,Wine auctions,Weinhandel....

Beitragvon Roman » Sonntag 11. September 2016, 06:32

Auction Results
New York | 9-10 September 2016
Featuring The Cellar of John Brincko
A Unique Masterpiece of LOUIS XIII COGNAC

Sale Highlights:
•10 Bottles of 1985 Montrachet, Domaine de la Romanée-Conti est. $32,000 - $50,000, sold for $46,550
•12 Bottles of 1985 Clos de la Roche, Cuvée Vieilles Vignes, Domaine Ponsot est. $32,000 - $42,000, sold for $42,875
•12 Bottles of 1999 Assortment, Domaine de la Romanée-Conti est. $32,000 - $45,000, sold for $42,875
•3 Bottles of 2003 Romanée Conti, Domaine de la Romanée-Conti est. $24,000 - $32,000, sold for $31,850
•12 Bottles of 2000 Richebourg, Domaine Leroy est. $10,000 - $14,000, sold for $24,500

http://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/201 ... 09540.html
Beiträge: 12938
Registriert: Montag 10. Dezember 2012, 15:01

Re: Wein Auktionen,Wine auctions,Weinhandel....

Beitragvon Roman » Sonntag 11. September 2016, 18:01

Denz Auktionen(ehemals Wermuth)
Resultate Auktion 258 vom 10. September 2016
http://www.denzweine.ch/nachverkauf-und ... ktion-258/
Beiträge: 12938
Registriert: Montag 10. Dezember 2012, 15:01

Re: Wein Auktionen,Wine auctions,Weinhandel....

Beitragvon Roman » Freitag 16. September 2016, 19:10

Wieder mal eine klare Meinung zu einem Raritätenhändler,aber in Deutschland interessiert das ja seit Jahren niemanden.
http://www.wineberserkers.com/forum/vie ... 0#p2100305
Beiträge: 12938
Registriert: Montag 10. Dezember 2012, 15:01

Re: Wein Auktionen,Wine auctions,Weinhandel....

Beitragvon Roman » Sonntag 18. September 2016, 07:39

What I’ve learned: Michael Broadbent
http://www.christies.com/features/Micha ... 618-1.aspx
Beiträge: 12938
Registriert: Montag 10. Dezember 2012, 15:01

Re: Wein Auktionen,Wine auctions,Weinhandel....

Beitragvon Roman » Dienstag 27. September 2016, 15:52

Hong Kong, SAR – September 26, 2016 – Asian collectors came to buy big at Acker Merrall’s first Fall 2016 Hong Kong auction, with collectors participating live in five cities as well as live on the internet to account for over HK$35 million in sales.  The wines of Henri Jayer and incredible vertical collections of Bordeaux’s top Chateaux led the way for an active day which saw 81 new World Records set, including seven each for Chateau Le Pin in Bordeaux and Domaine Leroy in Burgundy.  The Americas’ presence was felt as well, with American and Brazilian buyers each accounting for over 10% of all sales.


und Sothebys;
The Classic Cellar II featuring Chateau Petrus
01 October 2016 | 10:00 AM HKT | Hong Kong
http://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/201 ... k0674.html
Beiträge: 12938
Registriert: Montag 10. Dezember 2012, 15:01

Re: Wein Auktionen,Wine auctions,Weinhandel....

Beitragvon Roman » Samstag 8. Oktober 2016, 11:21

10 astonishing discoveries from a 200-year-old cellar
http://www.christies.com/features/10-wi ... d=65613627
Beiträge: 12938
Registriert: Montag 10. Dezember 2012, 15:01

Re: Wein Auktionen,Wine auctions,Weinhandel....

Beitragvon Roman » Sonntag 18. Dezember 2016, 12:10

Burgundy boom continues in saleroom
The days of mania for Bordeaux have passed
https://www.ft.com/content/a3dde0f4-afc ... 87335499a0
Beiträge: 12938
Registriert: Montag 10. Dezember 2012, 15:01

Re: Wein Auktionen,Wine auctions,Weinhandel....

Beitragvon Roman » Sonntag 8. Januar 2017, 17:40

Finest and Rarest Wines Featuring the Connoisseur’s Cellar Part II
21 January 2017 | 10:00 AM HKT | Hong Kong
http://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/201 ... k0706.html
Beiträge: 12938
Registriert: Montag 10. Dezember 2012, 15:01

Re: Wein Auktionen,Wine auctions,Weinhandel....

Beitragvon Roman » Dienstag 31. Januar 2017, 14:21

The 4th Annual Sotheby's Wine Ranking and Market Report - 2016(PDF)
http://ny.sothebyswine.com/beta/Company ... Report.pdf
Beiträge: 12938
Registriert: Montag 10. Dezember 2012, 15:01

Re: Wein Auktionen,Wine auctions,Weinhandel....

Beitragvon Roman » Montag 13. Februar 2017, 15:42

Acker lässt sich nicht aufhalten,anscheinend;
Oct 2016 NYC Press Release

New York City, NY – February 13, 2017 – Acker Merrall has again quickly asserted itself as the #1 Wine Auction House in the World in 2017, continuing a decade-long trend. February 11th’s auction achieved an estimated $3.75M of sales amongst a packed room at Marea in New York City, bringing Acker’s Worldwide total to over $10 million during the first six weeks of 2017. While two live auctions are scheduled for March in New York and Hong Kong, all eyes will be on New York on April 6th and 8th when the Legendary Collection of Wolfgang Grunewald will be offered for sale.

Rousseau and Sine Qua Non starred in this past weekend’s sale. Demand for case lots from 2005 and 2006 Rousseau took four of the Top 10 positions, all selling far above their high estimates. A rare six magnum original case of 2005 Rousseau Chambertin was the day’s Top Lot selling for $43,225 followed by two twelve bottle cases of 2005 Rousseau Chambertin which were bought for $37,050 each. Also selling significantly over its high estimates was a case lot of magnums of 2006 Rousseau Chambertin at $19,760, as did two twelve bottle case lots of 2005 Rousseau Gevrey Chambertin Clos St. Jacques at $11,115, and a jeroboam of 2006 Rousseau Chambertin at $7,410. Iconic Sine Qua Non (SQN) lots were also one of the auction’s stars as collectors sought rare bottles of SQN in perfect condition. The first vintage of 1992 SQN Red Black & Blue was bought for $3,705, a bottle of 2002 SQN Syrah Heels Over Head sold for $2,964, a bottle of 1995 SQN The Bride achieved $2,470, a single bottle of 1996 SQN Pinot Noir Left Field went for $2,470, and three bottles of 2002 SQN Heart Chorea Syrah fetched $4,323. Sine Qua Non remains a star for collectors around the world as Saturday in NYC proved once again.

“2017 has come out with its guns blazing! This was a big sale with a lot of diversity, and there was demand in every nook and crannie, as to which the highlights will attest,” said Acker Merrall & Condit Companies’ Chairman John Kapon. “Both New York and Hong Kong have started the year with incredible auctions, but none will be more incredible than the Legendary Collection of Wolfgang Grunewald on April 6th and 8th in New York City. But first things first, we have two auctions in March that will continue to provide collectors with the world’s finest selection of fine and rare wines on a monthly basis!”

For more information about Acker Merrall’s upcoming auctions, visit www.ackerwines.com.

Highlights from the February 2017 NYC Auction

Lot # Qty Format Vintage Wine Price in USD
147 1 Magnum 2004 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon $4,940
158 12 Bottles 1982 Chateau Lafite Rothschild $32,110
253 4 Magnums 1999 J.F. Mugnier Bonnes Mares $6,793
307 6 Bottles 1995 Krug Clos d’Ambonnay $17,290
394 3 Bottles 2001 DRC Romanee St. Vivant $5,187
404 5 Bottles 1990 B Giacosa Barolo Collina Rionda Riserva $6,175
477 12 Bottles 2005 Rousseau Chambertin $37,050
479 6 Magnums 2005 Rousseau Chambertin $43,225
481 6 Magnums 2006 Rousseau Chambertin $19,760
491 12 Bottles 2005 Rousseau Gevrey Chambertin Clos St. Jacques $11,115
534 3 Bottles 1997 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon $11,115
576 12 Bottles 1996 Chateau Petrus $20,995
662 3 Bottles 1985 Dujac Clos de la Roche $11,733
751 1 Bottle 1992 SQN Red Black & Blue $3,705
755 1 Bottle 2000 SQN Syrah Heels Over Head $2,964
765 1 Bottle 1995 SQN The Bride White $2,470
826 6 Bottles 1996 Leflaive Bienvenue Batard Montrachet $4,323
827 6 Bottles 1996 Leflaive Chevalier Montrachet $6,793
877 12 Bottles 2001 DRC Assortment $34,580
878B 1 Magnum 1990 DRC La Tache $14,820
903 6 Bottles 2000 DRC La Tache $14,820
939 1 Bottle 1945 Chateau Mouton Rothschild $16,055
952 2 Bottles 1971 Ridge Vineyards Eisele Cabernet Sauvignon $3,705
992 3 Bottles 1967 Vega Sicilia Unico $2,717
1019 2 Bottles 1980 DRC Richebourg $6,793
1075 1 Magnum 2002 Giacomo Conterno Barolo Montfortino Riserva $3,211

Beiträge: 12938
Registriert: Montag 10. Dezember 2012, 15:01


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